Friday, 4 October 2013

SAM Broadcaster STUDIO 4.9.8 (Creator Radio Online) Free Download Wih Keygen|FREE DOWNLOAD

info SAM Broadcaster STUDIO 4.9.8 With Keygan

Free Downlaod SAM Broadcaster Professional:Internet broadcast DJ software, SAM is a powerful & advanced broadcast automation solution that has been undergoing continuous development now for over 5 years, specifically to fully meet the (specialized) needs of online broadcasters. SAM3 currently features MP3, mp3PRO, Windows Media 9 & Ogg streaming support, Dual player decks, advanced playlist rotation logic, drag&drop management, real-time listener statistics, voice over ,Mic input, sound FX module, automated requests, required RIAA - DMCA Sound Performance Accounting - Reporting features, HTML web output, Built in audio processors, multi server support including  Live365, Shoutcast, Icecast, Windows Media & much much more-:

  • Changes in SAM Broadcaster STUDIO 4.9.8
  • Fix Icecast2 XML Pulldown crash.
  • SpacialNet Relay now supports Pull mode.
  • Fix Delete Song from Category Bug.
  • More robust GET and POST Code.

SAM Broadcaster STUDIO 4.9.8 Download Full Version


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